Terrascope Mission 2020 | Housing


By Joseph Noszek


Our mission is to provide affordable housing to accommodate a growing population while sustainably maintaining a reasonable standard of living. The four areas of focus are housing, green space, transportation, and building materials.


We attempt to assure that adequate housing  is attainable for all city residents through these methods:

  • Upgrading informal settlements, communities with no security of land and a lack of basic infrastructure, increases quality of life for city residents with the worst standard of living.
  • Various strategies such as mixed-use zoning and increasing building height can be used to combat urban sprawl.


Beyond housing, we propose the following solutions:

  • Green spaces lead to environmental, societal, and economic benefits. However, finding land on which to build a green space can be quite difficult.
  • Transportation systems should be made more sustainable. Sustainable transportation is efficient and can be maintained economically and environmentally.
  • Sturdier building materials can be used to ensure quality of buildings. Furthermore, these materials must be affordable and environmentally friendly to ensure equitable, sustainable construction.


The pre-existing landscape of a city is certainly a limiting factor to the implementation of any general city plan. Still, these plans establish a basis to design better cities for all residents.